The BBC reportedly has eyes on poaching ITV star Cat Deeley just weeks after she signed up to take over this morning.Cat, who became beloved back in the early 2000s alongside Ant And Dec on SM:TV Live, made her This Morning debut with former GMB star Ben Shephard on March 11.However, according to the Mail On Sunday, BBC bosses are keen on turning her into a Saturday night megastar - especially considering the lack of female talent currently present in the slots.“She is used to hosting a glitzy show in America and put with the right programme over here, she could be an absolute ratings winner,” a source told the outlet.“'There is no love lost between the BBC and ITV for the stealing of stars, so what a great move it would be.”Cat has become a glamorous star and household name in the U.S. after landing a hosting gig for talent competition So You Think You Can Dance?She’s been with the series since 2006, but it’s likely she may now have to leave the show due to her commitments with This Morning.The idea comes in the wake of an ongoing BBC and ITV war over prominent talent, with some of the most famous faces of the Beeb jumping ship to the major rival.Graham Norton, long beloved on the BBC for his talk show and presence as a judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, joined ITV as host of revived gameshow, Wheel Of Fortune.Zoe Ball and Alan Carr have also signed up to be part of ITV’s talent competition Mamma Mia!, with West End wannabes fighting for a place in the ABBA musical.On the other side, longtime ITV favourite Paddy McGuinness quit dating show Take Me Out in order to host Top Gear over on the BBC.Alison Hammond and Amanda Holden, also ITV favourites, are now judges on game show I Can See Your Voice.Technically, all stars are allowed to work with whatever channel and production they choose - with the only exception being ‘golden handcuffs’ deals that sign talent to a channel exclusively.Currently, Ant and Dec have a multi-million pound golden handcuffs deal with ITV.
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Monday, 1 April 2024
The Sun: BBC sets sights on 'stealing' Cat Deeley from ITV weeks after This Morning debut
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