Thursday 21 September 2023

Deadline: McCall hits out at UK government

Story from Deadline:

With the cost-of-living crisis and ad recession hitting commercial broadcasters hard, McCall slammed the UK government for lacking a plan and “talking about growth all the time but being very very quiet.”

“What are the initiatives for growing the economy?,” she questioned. “One thing the UK government could do for the creative industries is start growing the economy. It feels like there is a waiting game because everyone knows there is an election coming. For us that is frustrating because we are doing worse than every single European country economically other than Germany.”

She was equally critical of the opposition Labour Party, saying she “can’t distinguish between the policies” of Labour and the incumbent Conservatives.

Elsewhere, McCall wouldn’t much be drawn on ITV’s flip-flopping over its prospective All3Media bid beyond saying “we’re no longer exploring, we’re actively monitoring” the Traitors production group.

ITV had initially shown interest before withdrawing the interest. But Deadline revealed the deal was still not dead at the end of August, and All3 owner Liberty Global boss Mike Fries confirmed yesterday ITV is back in.

McCall was delivering a keynote on the second day of the RTS Cambridge Convention, which has featured talks from broadcasting heavyweights including Tim Davie, Alex Mahon and Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer.

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