Monday 25 September 2023

Manchester Evening News: BBC to sell home of CBBC and CBeebies as it downsizes MediaCity space

Story from Manchester Evening News:

The BBC is selling its leasehold of one of its major buildings at MediaCity as it bids to downsize its office space. Bridge House is currently the home of CBBC and CBeebies while some BBC Sport and operations staff are also based there.

The media giant has hired Lambert Smith Hampton to dispose of its leasehold interest in Bridge House. The iconic waterfront property provides c.105,000 sq ft of office space across seven floors, with the building available as a whole or on a floor-by-floor basis.

The BBC announced in November 2022 that it would be moving out of the building, with staff relocating to nearby alternative MediaCity sites - Quay House and Dock House.

At the time, the BBC said its plans will reduce the size of its property portfolio as part of ongoing reforms to "deliver a simpler, leaner and more efficient organisation". The moves are expected to be completed in the spring of 2024.

Adam Robson, director – transactional services at Lambert Smith Hampton, said: "As one of the most prominent buildings at MediaCity, Bridge House offers an excellent opportunity for a new occupier to take its place in the UK's leading digital and media hub.

"With a high-specification, large floorplates, plug and play capabilities and a waterfront location, we are anticipating significant demand for the space."

In November, the BBC said: "A reduction in the size of the estate will help deliver the BBC's net zero commitments as a smaller property footprint will lead to a reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions. It also complements the adoption of hybrid working which has resulted in changes to how we use our buildings.

"Audiences will not notice any changes to programmes and services as a result of these moves taking place."

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