Viacom18 has scooped packages C (Non-exclusive India digital rights) and package D (Rest of the World) for the Indian Premier League.Reliance’s Viacom18, won the rights for package C with a Rs 3,258 crore winning bid. Package D was won for a bid of Rs 1058 CR.“Viacom18 bags digital rights with its winning bid of Rs 23,758 cr. India has seen a digital revolution & the sector has endless potential. The digital landscape has changed the way cricket is watched. It has been a big factor in the growth of the game & the Digital India vision,” BCCI secretary Jay Shah confirmed in a tweet.Yesterday it was announced that Disney Star had renewed its deal with the BCCI for 2023-2027.
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Wednesday, 15 June 2022
Bizasia: Viacom18 scoops further streaming IPL rights
Story from Bizasia: