ITV will continue to show weekly episodes of AEW programming, with AEW Dynamite airing every Friday night and AEW Collision airing every Wednesday night on ITV4 and ITVX. AEW CEO Tony Khan announced last week that the company’s third show, AEW Rampage, is going on hiatus for “for the foreseeable future”.The renewal for 2025 takes ITV into its sixth year as AEW’s free-to-air UK partner, first broadcasting AEW Dynamite in 2019.“We are thrilled to extend AEW’s partnership with ITV to continue bringing the best wrestling action to fans all across the United Kingdom,” commented Khan. “We thank all of our incredible fans in the UK as well as everyone at ITV for their loyal support of AEW since our inception.”Richard Botchway, Commissioning Editor at ITV, added: “We are proud to continue to be the UK free-to-air broadcast partner for AEW. We’re looking forward to continuing our relationship into 2025, bringing the UK audience every minute of action across ITV and ITVX.”
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