Michael Keaton, who scored his first Emmy win for best lead actor in a limited or anthology series, reacted backstage to the cancellation of “Batgirl” at the Emmy Awards Monday night.“I think it was a business decision. I’m going to assume it was a good one. I really don’t know,” Keaton said.Last month, it was revealed that Warner Bros. had shelved “Batgirl” and would not release the film on any platform. The DC Comics adaptation, which had a $90 million production budget, starred Leslie Grace as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl. Keaton reprised his role as Batman for the feature, which also starred J.K. Simmons and Brendan Fraser.When asked when he will next appear as Batman, Keaton joked, “A little later tonight, probably, if you’re lucky enough.”“We’ll see,” he continued. “It was great. It was fun. I really have no idea.”Keaton won his first Emmy for his role as Dr. Samuel Finnix in Hulu’s “Dopesick.”“My folks weren’t exactly patrons of the arts,” he said in his acceptance speech. “We weren’t patrons of anything, frankly. But I want to thank them. I just want to thank all those people in my family for never making me feel foolish, because I went on to do that several times myself. That’s the thing about feeling foolish and making a fool of yourself and making mistakes, there’s huge power and merit in that. I’m glad I made a fool of myself over and over and over again.”Keaton beat Colin Firth for HBO Max’s “The Staircase,” Andrew Garfield for FX’s “Under the Banner of Heaven,” Oscar Isaac for HBO’s “Scenes From a Marriage” and Himesh Patel for HBO Max’s “Station Eleven.”
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Tuesday, 13 September 2022
Variety: Michael Keaton Assumes ‘Batgirl’ Cancellation Was a ‘Good’ Business Decision, but ‘I Really Don’t Know’
Story from Variety: