Leslie Grace, the star of the now-canceled DC Comics film “Batgirl,” has shared more behind-the-scenes footage of the production, nearly two months after the project was axed by Warner Bros. Discovery.“I couldn’t resist,” Grace wrote in the description for a TikTok that she posted on Saturday morning. Set to “Evergreen” by Omar Apollo, the video contains footage of Grace through various stages of production, recording herself with a Gotham hero’s signature smokey eye makeup, rehearsing complex fight choreography and taking a wire-assisted tumble in front of a blue screen. The video concludes with Grace, grinning, riding a mechanical rocking horse in the full purple Batgirl costume, complete with goggles and a leather jacket.In early August, Warner Bros. Discovery officially confirmed that it would not release “Batgirl,” despite the production having completed principal photography and a significant fraction of its post-production timeline. The film, which was developed for an HBO Max release, would not be distributed theatrically or shopped around to other studios, allowing the company to take a tax write-off on the project — a decision that was internally believed to make more financial sense than a commercial release.“Querida familia! On the heels of the recent news about our movie ‘Batgirl,’ I am proud of the love, hard work and intention all of our incredible cast and tireless crew put into this film over 7 months in Scotland,” Grace wrote on Instagram in her first public reaction to the news of the film’s cancellation. Her message was accompanied by more behind-the-scenes footage from the film. “I feel blessed to have worked among absolute greats and forged relationships for a lifetime in the process! To every Batgirl fan – THANK YOU for the love and belief, allowing me to take on the cape and become, as Babs said best, ‘my own damn hero!’ Batgirl for life!”
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Sunday, 25 September 2022
Variety: ‘Batgirl’ Star Leslie Grace Shares More Behind-the-Scenes Footage From Canceled DC Film
Story from Variety: