“The Flash” movie starring Ezra Miller is still a go, despite the actor’s numerous scandals this year.“We have seen ‘The Flash,’ ‘Black Adam’ and ‘Shazam 2,'” said Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav during the company’s Q2 earnings call on Thursday. “We are very excited about them. We’ve seen them. We think they are terrific, and we think we can make them even better.”Miller, who played Barry Allen aka the Flash in 2018’s “Justice League” and the 2021 Zack Snyder cut, has been at the center of numerous controversies regarding alleged abusive behavior. These allegations include choking an Icelandic woman in a bar and harassing another woman in her home in Berlin. In addition, the actor has been arrested twice in Hawaii this year, once for disorderly conduct and harassment and another time for second-degree assault.Zaslav also defended the company’s recent decision to kill the “Batgirl” movie starring Leslie Grace, saying: “We’re not going to launch a movie until it’s ready. We’re not going to launch a movie to make a quarter, and we’re not going to put a movie out unless we believe in it.”Warner Bros. Discovery axed the superhero film, as well as “Scoob: Holiday Haunt,” despite both films being in post-production.“The Flash,” which was delayed several times before landing on a June 23, 2023 release date, shares a writer in Christina Hodson with the now-canceled “Batgirl.” Additionally, both films were set to feature the return of Michael Keaton as Batman, 30 years after he starred in Tim Burton’s “Batman Returns.” Ben Affleck is also set to appear as the “Justice League” version of Batman in the “The Flash,” with the cast also including Ron Livingston, Kiersey Clemons, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue and Sasha Calle. “The Flash” is directed by Andy Muschietti, after multiple directors such as Seth Grahame-Smith, Rick Famuyiwa and the duo of John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein were attached and left due to creative differences.
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Thursday, 4 August 2022
Variety: ‘The Flash’ Release Still a Go Despite Ezra Miller Scandals, Warner Bros. Discovery CEO ‘Very Excited’
Story from Variety: