The broadcaster sold its rights to Viaplay - who currently sponsor the competition - in 2022 after a rebrand involving the company hailing from Sweden. It isn't a change that will impact paying customers though who may have started to become worried over viewing Scotland national team matches, plus selected cup matches from both the League Cup and Scottish Cup.Pending a decision by the SPFL, Premier would be back in Scottish football as a major broadcasting player and sponsor of one of the major trophies. A statement reads: "Premier Sports is delighted to announce it will be returning to the UK in early 2024 subject to competition approval having agreed to take back control of the business which was recently sold to the Viaplay Group."Premier Sports offering of great content will continue to be delivered via the same channels on Sky and Virgin. Customers preferring to stream can continue to use Amazon Prime and iTunes while Premier Sports will launch its own newly enhanced streaming service when the brand returns to the UK early in the new year."The new service will once again feature 24/7 access to the 2 Premier Sports TV channels plus access to all additional key content live making it a device led hub of live sport. For current customers, this will mean a seamless transition to Premier Sports and very much business as usual with all the great content still available to watch on customers preferred platforms."The Sports broadcaster returns to the UK with continued coverage of the Scottish FA Cup and exclusive Scottish League Cup. International football will continue to be showcased with Scotland’s national team games and the UEFA Euro 2024 playoffs as countries countdown UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany."Every game from LALIGA will be available as Jude Bellingham’s Real Madrid fight it out in a 4-way title battle. Rugby is covered for fans across the UK with every game live from the United Rugby Championship including making it the only place to see exclusive coverage of Glasgow and Edinburgh, all Ulster’s home and away games as well as exclusive games featuring Cardiff, Dragons RFC, Ospreys and Scarlets."Premier Sports exclusive EPCR Challenge Cup coverage will also feature games involving Edinburgh, Ospreys and Cardiff while select games will also be broadcast from every round of the TOP14. NHL and NASCAR continue to be represented and new content to provide even greater value will be added."
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Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Viaplay Sports UK Takeover - Daily Record: Premier Sports strike League Cup deal with Viaplay as broadcaster makes quickfire Scottish football return
Story from Daily Record: