Sky Sports will use Wycombe Wanderers’ 4 December League One clash with Portsmouth to test a number of broadcast innovations.Dubbed the EFL Innovation Game, it will see more behind-the-scenes access than ever before, with on-pitch audio, dressing room footage, exclusive interviews and club personnel on co-commentary duties, alongside a closer look at the role of the match officials, both in the lead up to, and on the matchday.In addition, Wycombe manager Gareth Ainsworth and Portsmouth counterpart Danny Cowley will join the Sky Sports team at half-time and during the second half to reflect on the game.The match will be live on Sky Sports Football 11:30am on Sunday 4 December.This innovation comes as the EFL looks to experiment with its media rights - including looking at the feasibility of ending the 3pm blackout. The league has announced that it is using the World Cup break in the 3pm blackout to test this, and CCO Ben Wright spoke to Broadcast Sport about the organisation’s plans in detail last month.Wright said: “Audience habits and the appetite for how we consume content is changing. This fixture provided an ideal opportunity to expand and enhance EFL coverage and in doing so explore broadcasting opportunities for what may be possible in the future.”Gary Hughes, director of football, Sky Sports, added: “Innovation has always been at the heart of everything Sky Sports does. We’re constantly looking at ways to improve our coverage and bring our viewers closer to the action. Sunday’s game will do just that as we go behind the scenes to give fans even more access and insight.”Ainsworth said: “I think it’s a brilliant initiative and we’re thrilled that Wycombe Wanderers have been invited to take part in what is a pioneering and potentially game-changing way for football fans to enjoy a live broadcast.“It will help showcase both clubs to a much wider audience, and it’ll be a fantastic advert for the EFL and League One football, particularly while there’s lots of attention on events out in Qatar.”Portsmouth chief executive Andrew Cullen commented: “Portsmouth Football Club are delighted to be selected and involved in this innovative broadcast. We look forward to providing fans with a closer look at what occurs on a matchday, as well as working in partnership with the EFL to develop new forms of content for broadcasters, supporters and viewers.”
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Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Broadcast Sport: Sky Sports goes behind-the-scenes for EFL innovation game
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